chpt5.txt (of bert) Chapter 5 "And neither of you seem to have anything to complain about. Just lil' ole me, I suppose." Bert's eyes snapped up to the doorway. In the open space, doorknob in hand, stood a young woman staring at them. Bert suddenly felt small, inadequate. But he repressed the idiotic urge to cover his groin with his hands. Whoever she was, the spy in the door had already seen a lot. A bit more wasn't going to change things one way of the other. Bert glanced down at his once proud cock. It had collapsed and slithered out of Julia's come-filled orifice. Her own slippery juices as well as his creamy seed covered his penis and his teacher's pussy. There was no hiding that from anyone. Besides an idiot could have told what they had been doing. Bert spoke, his voice almost casual. "Who, might I ask, are you?" "Oh, nobody, nobody at all. I just live here." The woman came into the room, jerked her key from the lock, then closed the door behind her. Bert studied her intently and decided he liked what he saw. He may have been embarrased and bare-ass naked, but he managed to retain some aplomb, rare in a boy only in his mid-teens. Bert was rapidly becoming quite sophisticated and able to handle all sorts of peculiar situations. The woman dumped a load of books onto the table. That meant she was a student, but from the size and type of books, Bert guessed she was a college student. She wasn't young enough to be a high schooler. And would Julia actually room with a high school student? The thought seemed preposterous. Her roommate was as stunning as Julia, in her own way. She was moderately tall, about five foot seven and auburn hair that was pulled back and held by a jeweled band. Blue- grey, intelligent eyes seemed to laugh at some joke. Bert suspected that it might have been directed at Julia being caught as much as anything else. Supple, trim body, the smooth muscles of an athlete ruppling under the expsoed skin. A real knockout, even in jeans and a baggy blouse that fell staight down from the tops of her jugs. The boy suspected a superlative figure lurked under the shapeless clothing; her figure would have to match the rest of her or there was simply no justice in the world. Julia spoke for the first time. "Bert, could you sort of let me up? As long as you are leaning on the table, you've got me pinned here." Bert looked longingly back into those jet black eyes. "Do you want to go anywhere? I don't! I sort of like it here." He couldn't imagine a nicer location than between Julia's widespread legs, him looking down at her body that would make a beauty queen turn green with envy. "Bert." Julia voice held the slight snap of command, "Get up." The youth reluctantly did so. He slid back to sit cross- legged on the soft rug as he watched Julia Munoz rise, grace in even such as awkward maneuver. Anew, he drank in the beauty of her form, the perfectly formed tits, the wasp waist, the flaring hips and luscious legs. Her skin tone was a uniform tawny russet that made him think that one of Cellini's famous bronzes had been endowed with life. "Hi Barbara." "Hi Julia. Ummmm, giving one of your students a little extracurricular activity?" Julia glared at Barbara, then said, "You might say that." Barbara tch-tch-tched. "And here you were the one bitching about being forced into chaperoning student dances. Julia dear, I'm sure the students, male ones at least, would love you to chaperone them. It's obvious this one does." Barbara's blue-grey eyes studied Bert as if he were a bug under a microscope. As she worked her way down his body and found his groin, the clinical inspection became less and less objective and more subjective. The boy could sense the lust mounting in Julia's roommate as surely as the girl had openly voiced it. She wanted a crack at him too! The old Bert would have been panic sticken. But then, the old Bert Ellis would never have gotten the ultimate fucking of his life from one of the hottest chicks he'd ever seen. He decided to play this for all it was worth, and he might end up getting Julia and her roommate at the end of his prong. "Did I pass disection?" Barbara quickly corrected, "You mean inspection." "I meant what I said. You've been eyeing me like I'm a bug in a box." Bert turned to Julia who had retrieved her drink and sat naked and unconcerned on the sofa. "Doesn't she look like she wants to cut me apart?" Julia took a sip from her glass, then said, "More likely, she wants to eat you. Voracious bitch, that Barbara." Bert looked up at the coed, casually perched on the bar. A brief instant of - lust? - flashed across her face, then she became impassive, judical again. As if passing sentence, she declared, "I doubt if you could really do much to satisfy me, little boy." Bert quaked inside. He was being put down. Inwardly he rebelled. This wasn't going to get to him. He was not going to loose his temper. Bert would be the one to put her down, and make her beg for more! "You're probably right. I doubt if I could satisfy you. Your cunt is probably so enlarged, it would take a telephone pole to..." He had to refrain from laughing at Barbara's reaction. It was precisely what he had expected. Barbara furiously exploded." "Goddamn! What do you know...? her voice trailed off as she heard Julia quietly chuckling. Julia looked up at Barbara. "Roommate of mine, you're the one who's supposed to be the psychology major. Who just lost that round?" Barbara looked away and leaned back against the bar with her arms defensively crossed. "You couldn't possibly satisfy me." Bert reclined of the floor hoping that the sight of his balls would excite Barbara. "I don't really know what I could bet on that. You've told me that I don't have anything you want..." "Barbara, I think he's scoring points against you again. And you're wrong. Bert's one hell of a good lay. He's even better than Teddy." Barbara snorted. "Teddy Bear may have a ten inch dong, but if you ask me, he's a creep. I'll stick with Jeff. He's not as long, but he's a lot better at balling than your freak." Bert said nothing. It finally surfaced why Julia hung around with Mr. Theodore. The guy was a fucking monstrosity with a ten inch cock. That explained why he always wore baggy trousers. If he had them any tighter, he could be cutting off his circulation. The brief thought tickled Bert's fancy. He could envision Mr. Theodore's prick fall- ing off from lack of blood. Julia shrugged her bare shoulders. "I'll get tired of Teddy one of these days. It might even be today." She gazed lovingly at Bert. His heart raced at the thought that she got off more balling him that a guy with a ten inch prod. The boy swelled with pride and surprised himself when he saw his own prod beginning to swell again. It hadn't been ten minutes and already he was getting hard again! These two chicks were too sexy for him to remain flacid long. Barbara was the first to notice the rising spire of flesh. "He doesn't have anything to be me, but how about you, Julia? A month's rent on your schoolboy. If he can get me off, I'll pay all the rent next month. If he doesn't, you pay." Julia never hesitated. "It's a bet. But I'm not going to let you hog him. I get his cock. You can jolly well feel his tongue rooting around inside you!" Bert's cock flipped erect like the blade of an opening switchblade. His teacher showed an incredible amount of faith in him. And he'd never eaten a pussy out before! "Get those duds off, lady, and get your sweet ass over here!" said Julia, putting her glass back on the table and dropping down to the carpet beside Bert. "I think I'm going to really get off this time. Just lie back and hang on, baby cuz we're going to take you for the ride of your short life!" Julia straddled Bert's waist and reached down to grab burgeoning cock. She guided his manhood to her cunt with cool, firm fingers. Her fingers may have been cool, but the oozing slash of her sex wasn't. Bert gasped when Julia shoved his tool into the blast furnace of her interior. In spite of multiple orgasms, she was just as hot and tight as she had been when they had started their initail lovemaking. Bert's mind spun crazy and his vision momentarily blurred with the shock of being plunged back into the woman's frothing cockpit. He vaguely wondered if she was a nymphomaniac and could keep up this hectic pace forever or if she was merely a really hot chick who just didn't get very much. Looking through slowly focusing eyes at Julia's lush figure, her georgeous face and incredibly seductive manner, he doubted if she had any trouble getting all the cock she wanted. Unless she was truly a nympho. Bert imagined himself a worn-out, smoking ruin by the time he graduated high school. But what a way to go! As the math teacher attempted to force his cock into figure eights using only her cuntal muscles, Barbara finished stripping off her blouse and jeans. She advanced cautiously as if unsure of herself. Bert had a full view of Julia's roommate. She had no right to be unsure of herself. If his cock hadn't been trapped inside the churning, velvety passage to his math teacher's belly, he'd have been advancing on her as fast as he could. She was a vision so lovely that Bert wondered if he was hallucinating this entire encounter. He had to argue with himself. He couldn't be hallucinating because his mind had never been able to conjure up so enchanting a vision, even in his most erotic wet dreams. Barbara's body wasn't the perfection that was Julia's, but it came damn close. She had larger jugs. Bert fancied himself an expert on boobs now, 38D was his professional estimate. But Barbara had a shoulder developement to carry the larger mammaries without appearing to be overburdened with a lot of floppy flesh. Her waist was trim, muscled and confirmed his earlier guess that she must be an athlete. Possibly a swimmer with the long, smooth muscles in her arms and legs. Her ass was tight and a round, compact demiglobe. No sagging flab there. Twin pillars of leg spread slightly to betray the shadowy region of her divine triangle, that fleecy mound just above the Gates of Eden. Bert couldn't see Barbara's cuntal lips, but he could imagine what they'd be like. Blushing pink, suffusing with blood at the thought of having his lips caressing them. Possessing a slight glitering sheen from the growing secretions from the tiny Bartholin's glands buried just inside the doorway to her body. Bert managed to choke out, "What's the matter, Barb? Afraid you'll lose your bet? Get on over here!" The girl looked guilty. A quick glance at Julia, however, seemed to convince her. Julia was ardently going up and down on Bert's length, not quite letting the purpled arrowhead slide out of her twat before dropping to his groin. She was methodically screwing herself and was lost in a wonderland of lust. Barbara was increasingly aware of how much she wanted to share that sexual El Dorado with her friend. With alacrity, she glided across the floor and stood over Bert. He grinned lewdly at her. Staring straight up at her spread legs, he could see his earlier guess was right. The light reflecting off those twin protals to her cunt were soggy with lust. Bringing her off wouldn't be as hard as he first thought. Barbara suddenly crouched, cramming her pussy down onto Bert's face. One instant he was sniffing the heady fragrance of lingering dope in the air, the next he was inhaling huge gulps of the woman's musk. The youth decided he preferred the latter. It was more exciting. When Barbara descended, she faced Julia. Bert could dimly see Barbara reach out and grasp each of Julia's nipples between a thumb and forefinger. As her roommate began squeezing and rolling the aroused mushrooms of flesh, Julia's mo-tion up and down on Bert's dick became more frantic. He groaned as he felt the telltale convulsive force of her vaginal walls clamp down on his length. Julia had had another orgasm. But that barely slowed her frenetic pace. She poled up and down, and Bert thought he detected another, lesser, orgasm flutter through her body. As exciting as the feel of her cunt around his prick was, the teenager was faced - literally - with a new and diffenent adventure. Barbara's turgid cuntal lips were within easy reach of his lips. He wetly kissed her. As he felt a tremblor quake through the girl's body, he knew this was the right thing to do. He continued to kiss and lick the blood-filled flaps until the salty tang of her internal lubricants gushed out to deluge his face. The elixir that greeted his tastebuds was totally different from any other liquid Bert had ever tasted before. He decided he liked woman-wine. Immensely. The young photographer began to slurp up the tasty fluid with increasing ardor. His tongue looped out and pulled in load after load of Barbara's cunt juices. She began to shake and quiver in reaction as Bert inadverently found her pleasure button. The boy wasn't sure what the meek little spike of flesh was, but he decided, from the way it was hooded, and protected, it must be important. Bert turned all his attentions to that miniscule chunk of erectile tissue. His reward was the gasp of unadulterated pleasure that escaped from Barbara's lips. Feeling such a resplendent response, Bert began licking and sucking on Barbara's clit with renewed vigor. She wantonly ground her hips in circular motions, crammed her gushing pussy forcefully down into his face begging for more of the fine tonguing he was granting her. Bert obliged. His organ of taste leaped out of his mouth, started at the woman's sensitive perineum, then wiggled forward across her oozing sex slit. She writhed and moaned in un-fettered passion at the wet, rough feel of the boy's tongue on her vaginal lips. Satisfied that she knew where he was, Bert's quick tongue darted into Barbara's cunt for a sampling of the pooled juices lurking just inside, then continued the journey forward to that mysterious go-button that seemed to turn the girl into a wild woman. The youth raked his teeth along the clitoral length, then quickly laved the tortured organ with his saliva. He then sucked off all the lubricant and left the pillar of flesh dry as a bone. To alleviate this sorry condition, Bert's tongue slipped back to the coed's cunt, loaded up with fresh cargo of cunt juice, then painted the clitoris with the vicous fluid. Bert's vision was impaired, but he could see Julia jerk in response to his tonguing. He was very pleased at the at the chain reaction he had initiated. He lapped and sucked at Barbara's lust button, she tweaked hard on Julia's nipples. His math teacher's frenetic fucking would trigger still another orgasm in her ardent body, and her cunt would jerk hard along his length. As he felt the erotic pressure on his cock, his balls tightened even more, and he gasped for air which required him to breath hotly on Barbara's expised genitalia. That would trigge another round of passion-inciting adventures and inevitably push them all higher and higher up the peak to orgasmic fulfullment. Bert knew that Julia was repeatedly getting off fucking herself of his long dick. He didn't worry about her. He worried about himself. He didn't want to come before Barbara. It was a simple matter of pride. Julia was doing her damnedest to get her rocks off, but the bet was vaguely remembered, buried at the back of his mind. He had to get Barbara to come or Julia would lose. There could be no denying that Barbara was close to climax, but his mouthings of her clitoris and excursions into her cunt were not enough. There had to be something more he could do to titillate her. At the thought of titillation, he knew that little extra touch would be. Bert reached up and back, searching across Barbara's trim belly, then moved his hands upward until he came to her solidly fleshed tits. Hands groping blindly, he finally succeeded in finding the rounded protuberances of her nipples. They were partially filled with blood, slightly distended. That gave him the clue. He began to tweak and knead the tiny buttons cresting her snowny tit mountains. Barbara was assailed in two different directions with carnal feelings. Bert's tongue rammed icy stabs of delight into her belly. Coupled with the sensation of a red hot tingling jabbing through her breasts. As the teenager manipulated her nipples, she knew she'd lost the bet. He had unerringly found her two most erogenous zones and, when stimulated together, she could never prevent a climax. Her body became rigid with lust and hurled up and down on the see-saw created by Bert's agile hands and dextrous tongue. He would spear deeply into her well-lubricated love tunnel, roll around and frolic in that carnal playground, then retreat past the delicate inner lips. As his oral member slipped out, his hands would clamp down on Barbara's tits. Tweaking the senstive erectile tissue, pushing in hard against the marshmallowy underpinnings for the tiny mushroom buttons, rotating the firm mounds with deliberate, powerful motions. As the pressure on her jugs lessenedm the boy's tongue would lash out and duel with her clit. The coed was being driven mad with the push-pull technique Bert employed to fully arouse her. She couldn't escape, she couldn't concentrate on some other protion of her body. Barbara's lust-fogged brain soon decided that the bet was rediculous. All she wanted was the cataclysmic orgasm she felt building deep inside her lions. The earthshaking climax did not take long to pounce and devour her entire luscious body. Barbara shivered and shook and seemed possessed by some wonderfully erotic form of palsy. She did not scream out her lust. Rather, she bit her lower lip, but Julia did all the screaming for her. As Barbara came and the physical rictus locked her muscles, she clamped down powerfully and painfully on her roommate's blood engorged nipples. When Barbara's body was seized by orgasm she detonated another in Julia. Bert grimly held on and allowed the waves of sex to wash across his body. It wasn't easy, but it luxuriously enjoyable. Barbara came and dumped gallons of her inner oils onto the high school student's face. He gleefully licked off the tasty treat and was remorseful when the coed fell away from his face and collapsed against the wall, sated and exhausted. She mumbled, "That was one hell of a tongue job, kid. You really know how to eat pussy." With his mouth freed Bert started to tell Barbara to shut up but lust started to grip him and he began to concentrate on his sexy teacher. And Julia was going strong! Her body seemed as if it was made of iron. But Bert would be the first to gainsay that allegation. She was very much flesh and blood, vibrant and alive. True, her crenulated love tunnul walls seemed to be something more than simple tissue when they cranked down hard on his tool, but he wasn't complaining. It was the most erotically stimulating, hottest and tightest hole he had ever rammed into. Julia's eyes were screwed shut as she bounced up and down on Bert's length. She reached down and fingered her own clit to give herself added stimulation in her fucking. Bert gulped at the pressure on his shaft, then decided to go for broke. Julia would keep this up all day or until she wore him out. Or wore his dick off! As she rocketed up squirting his cock from her body with peristaltic action of her cuntal muscles, Bert lay quiescent. As Julia began her plummeting descent, Bert heaved his hips upward, arching his back. They smashed together at the gentials. Both gasped in reaction to the powerful interaction. As Bert continued his upward thrusts, he tried to reach Julia's tits but was unable to do so. The woman had leaned slighly backwards removing her milky white breasts from his reach and bending his cock away from its normal angle of response. Julia placed her hands on the floor as she leaned back. Bert instintively brought his knees up and planted his feet firmly on the floor. In this position, Julia could rest against his upper thighs. With his cock bent to an angle of forty-five degrees from the floor and still firmly inside Julia's cunt, Bert felt as if he were being ripped asunder at the groin. Yet it was sweet torture. His teacher rubbed her back up and down his legs, luxuriating in the hairy feel against her tingling spine as well as the throbbing and jerking cock buried between her legs. Julia came again, another in a seemingly endless string of orgasms. But this time, Bert couldn't restrain himself. The acute angle his cock was pulled into, the feel of Julia's smooth back against his legs, her twin demiglobes of companulate assflesh pressing tightly into his crotch, the intense con- striction along his length, the very humid hotness of his cock's berth all conspired against the boy. He came. He came with the explosion of a thousand A-bombs. His mind swirled and churned and was buried under tons of sensations as his cock squirted and blew forth his load. Once expended, Bert's triphammering heart took several minutes to quiet. Bert watched in fascination as Julia experienced two more orgasms in quick succession. He had never seen a woman who could get off so many times in such rapid fashion. The young man wondered if this was normal or if his math teacher was some sort of sex freak. It hardly mattered. Bert just wished that, if Julia Munoz was something unusual, he could find others like her. It might wear him out, but it was an exciting and incredibly sexy way to wear out his organ! Julia finally came out of her sexual daze and looked down at Bert, her jet eyes filled with warmth and ill-suppressed lust. She said, "Thank you, Bert, I don't think you really needed all that much tutoring." Barbara quickly chimed in, "He sure didn't! And I'm mad at you, Julia! You pulled a ringer on me!" Julia slipped off Bert's hips and languorously stretched out on the carpet like a contented feline. "What do you mean?" "Hell, he's no high school kid. He must be a ninety year old Cassanova who's kept on looking like he's sixteen by screwing every available chick from here to Paris and back." Bert chuckled. He loved listening to these gorgeous women saying things like that about him. The teenager felt more and more like the big time stud. In reply, he said, "I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you, Barbara." He paused a moment for empahsis, then continued, "I'm missed one chick in London. It was in Chelsea back in '03. She managed to elude me somewhere around Trafalgar and I..." He was cut off when Barbara tossed a convient pillow off sofa over his face. "Liar! But I don't care. When'll you be ready for a rematch?" Bert shifted the pillow to a more confortable position under his head. When would he be ready again? He glanced furtively at his depleted organ. He wasn't sure if it would ever be ready again, not after the incredible fuckings Julia had demanded. And his nervous energy reserves were used up, too. It wasn't easy watching a chick get off a dozen - or more? - times while your dick was coursing up and down inside her. And eating another out at the same time... Bert answered, "Not for at least ten minutes or so..." He surprised both himself and the two roommates. It was closer to thirty than ten, but it still surprised them all. Pleasantly.